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Collo Global Action (CGA) Press Release
Collo Global Action (CGA) For Immediate Release May 13, 2021 No Makal County without Malakal town The Collo and the peace-loving people of Upper State and entire South Sudan heard in disbelief and shock the statements and remarks made on March 12, 2021, by the South Sudanese Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Dr. Martin Lomoro who … Continue reading
The Government’s Unconstitutional Decision to Detach Malakal Town from Makal County
SOUTH SUDAN OPPOSITION MOVEMENTS ALLIANCE (SSOMA) “Launching the New Vision of Hope & Transformation in South Sudan” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date:13th March, 2021 Contact: Kwaje Lasu Telephone: +1 336 575 5965 Email: jointoppositionpressrelease@gmail.com The Government’s Unconstitutional Decision to Detach Malakal Town from Makal County The Leadership Council of South Sudan Opposition Movement Alliance (SSOMA) is … Continue reading
Collo Community Leaders in Diaspora
Collo Community Leaders in Diaspora March 14, 2021 Press statement Dinka Land Grabbing Project Reaches New Heights in Upper Nile State as the Antipeace Tribal President Kiir Gives Collo (Shilluk) town of Malakal to his Tribal Cousins (Padang Dinka). Adding to his long list of violations of the peace agreement, the tribal President Kiir on … Continue reading
Congratulatory Message to Lt. Gen. Budhok Ayang Anei Kur on his Appointment as the Governor of Upper Nile State, South Sudan
Congratulatory Message to Lt. Gen. Budhok Ayang Anei Kur on his Appointment as the Governor of Upper Nile State, South Sudan. Sunday the 14th of February 2021 We, the undersigned, Chollo Community Leaders in Diaspora, while emphasizing the inadmissibility of the recurrent breaches of the R-ARCSS by the SPLM-IG and the unwarranted concessions by the … Continue reading