August 11, 2018
Commissioner dismissed after Maban youth attack NGOs
The Governor of Northern Upper Nile has dismissed the commissioner of North-East Maban after youth in the area attacked aid groups.
Three weeks ago, the group of youth attacked NGOs premises over what the call employment discrimination in the area.
As a result, some aid workers were injured and facilities destroyed in some of the NGOs compound.
More than 10 NGOs minimized their activities in the area while others suspended operations.
Governor Deng Akuei blamed Commissioner Boutros Yano for allegedly not controlling the angry youth:
“We dismissed him from his position as a result of failure to control security and the shame of destruction and sabotage that has happened in the state.”
Yusuf Medan has been appointed as the new commissioner of North-East Maban County.
Governor Akuei had earlier said the state authorities identified 10 names of ring leaders of the youth who attacked the NGOs and they are being pursued.
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